Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dan visits Raven Fork

Last month, Dan Singletary sent me an email about a recent trip to Raven Fork. I have his permission to share with you the informative excerpt:

I went back to the Ravensfork this past Monday and as expected it was fantastic. We absolutely slayed em. And I saw the largest fish I have ever seen (30+ absolute mule) The only question for us is where to camp. There is a monstrous field right by the river but it doesn't look like it is frequented by tent campers. There are, however quite a few spots for RV style campers (cough cough) that would be pretty much perfect for an airstream/ adjacent tent. Big Don's is right down the road and it looks awesome in a rustic, flyshop/RV hookups and breakfast kind of way. "Unique" in the best sense of the word. And just to clarify, I am not being sarcastic. This is destined to be good. A buddy of mine also told me that they have free crab legs on the weekends at Harrah's. There's a little of everything on the reservation!


Thanks Dan!